The Punk Vault

Record update

I got the music from JFA for the split single I am doing. I’m still waiting on their artwork, and also on the music and art from The Faction (who I reminded today that I need). I also got some money from sellling a pinball part so I have about a third of the total cost covered already. I can’t wait to get these pressed and see the final product. As I write this I am still at work. I had planned to go see Destroy Everything and Pegboy tonite, but it looks like it ain’t in the cards for me. Dan and Brooks are probably gonna think I’m a total flake as I told Brooks on the phone today that I should be able to make it. I really wanted to go too. Luckily there isn’t much more left on this project and then my schedule will not only be back to normal, but I can probably take a day off when I need to go get the record mastered.

An old friend of my dad asked him if I would answer some questions for her son about video games. It was an interview about being a game tester. I asked my dad if he realized that I retired from testing 4 years ago and that I’m actually a game designer now. He claims he knows this but he hadn’t talked to this friend in about that long. Anyway, I’ll still answer it, it was kind of neat that some kid was fascinated enough by what I do that he wanted to write something about it for a school project.


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